The Überseeinsel

The sign on our roof says it all. What was once produced on this property landed in cereal bowls: Cornflakes, Smacks, Fruit Loops, etc. And from this crunchy heritage there emerged a new neighbourhood in Bremen.

Visit the Überseeinsel website

Today starts with yesterday

Most people in Bremen know our part of the Weser quay as an industrial harbour district. In the 60s, Kellogg’s made it its production site. It’s difficult to imagine what this place was like in the 19th century until World War II: the Pipe was a lively, colourful district filled with different trades and more than 20 restaurants. It’s said there was a unique social interaction in the community. Simply put: many different types of people lived in harmony here. And that’s the future we are working on for the Überseeinsel – with John & Will at its centre.

Today is between yesterday and tomorrow

Life is returning to the Weser. John & Will and the Restaurant & Café Vitaminlager have opened their doors, along with other dining spots. Enjoy watching the hops grow during the summer months at the Gemüsewertf (tip: it’s always better with a beer in hand), or test your ice-skating skills in winter with us. Visit a festival or host your own party at the Alte Werft or the Garage. The neighbourhood is bursting with new beginnings, and we want to ensure the story of the Überseeinsel continues… which means a few construction sites are scattered around. But don’t worry – we’ve made sure to install top-quality windows.

Yesterday + today = tomorrow

It takes a lot of brainpower to get the recipe just right for this new piece of Bremen. Take the energy concept, for example, which uses water from the Weser and green electricity to produce heating and cooling for the entire neighbourhood. The cold is produced during the heat generation, and as we have a ‘waste not, want not’ attitude, there’s an extra-ecological ice rink outside our door in winter.

You also don’t have to worry about avoiding cars because they’ll be staying in the neighbourhood’s mobility hub. For our humming and buzzing city dwellers, we have orchard-style, insect-friendly lighting on all the buildings. Many industrial buildings are being given a second life – especially John & Will, of course. Would you like to know how a hotel is being built from a grain silo? Then take a look here!

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